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№12420, 2004-11-16 11:12:19  підтримати

The Wall Street Journal

Growing Democracy

November 16, 2004

KIEV -- The first round of the Ukrainian presidential election is over, with the vote totals accurately reflecting of the collective sentiment of our nation. Which is not to say there were no incidents whatsoever when our people voted on Oct. 31. Ours is still an infant democracy, only 13 years removed from Soviet subjugation, without the ingrained habits and the infrastructure of more-established republics.

That said, I think the irregularities were the exception rather than the rule. And they were the work of local officials with no connection to, and receiving no support from, my campaign or the national government. No democracy is infallible; no election is without some transgressions. One need only look at the recent campaign in the world's mightiest democracy -- to read the American newspapers was to discover reports of electoral mischief throughout the United States on and leading up to its Election Day. I have every confidence that Ukraine's Nov. 21 runoff will, like the initial vote, be imperfect, but hardly tainted.

Ukrainians now face a clear choice between two men. But it is not a choice between the two Cold War caricatures drawn by many in the Western media. It is not a choice between instant European integration and annexation by Russia.

Throughout this campaign, I have promoted a pragmatic course for Ukraine's economic future, one that closes itself off to no one and seeks commercial partners from Israel to the United States. I believe stronger ties with Europe -- and eventual accession to the European Union -- are inevitable and desirable. But not today and not at any cost. Not a minute before it will be clear how it could be done in the best interests of Ukraine's economy and its people.

As a nation, we have come far in building a free-market economy. During my years as prime minister, we have experienced strong growth, stabilized our currency, attracted foreign investment, cracked down on money laundering and pushed intellectual-property-rights reform (a policy opposed by my opponent, Viktor Yushchenko).

But while we will continue to cultivate our relationship with the European Union and its member states, we are simply not ready to become a member. Given the economic speed bumps faced by Hungary, the Czech Republic and other newly accepted EU members, it is not at all clear that a hasty embrace is a prudent step for Ukraine.

For better or for worse, Ukraine's economic destiny is very much tied to Russia. It is plain political populism and shortsightedness to suggest that we should ignore and discriminate against a nation of more than 140 million people with whom we share a border. Such an impulsive step would destabilize our entire region and throw the Ukrainian economy into upheaval.

I have met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, just as I have met with U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and other U.S. leaders, just as I will meet with anyone who is interested in mutually beneficial alliances with Ukraine. At the same time, I would never forfeit Ukraine's sovereignty to any ally or neighbor. On issues like the troop deployments in Iraq, I part company with Russia, and I would continue to do so as president. In a move that would destabilize Iraq, Mr. Yushchenko recently said he would withdraw Ukraine's troops from Iraq within two weeks, if he's elected.

To frame this election as Ukraine's decision to tilt westward or eastward is to set up a false choice. We can and must do both. If I am president, we will. I believe that a free, fair election on Nov. 21 will provide a mandate for my centrist philosophy, which can provide prosperity and security at this pivotal moment in Ukrainian history.

Mr. Yanukovych is Ukraine's prime minister and a candidate for president.

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